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  • Writer's pictureGlenn Dobbs

Where 'Coco' lived

San Miguel de Allende

"That night I not only saw my Father for the first time as a person. I saw the golden hills and the live oaks as clearly as I have ever seen them since; and I saw the dimples in my little sister’s fat hands in a way that still moves me because of that first time; and I saw food as something beautiful to be shared with people instead of as a thrice-daily necessity.”

― M.F.K. Fisher

I know what you are thinking. When I say we traveled by bus to this bucolic town in the central highlands of Mexico, you envision a beat up 4 cylinder ancient deathtrap, with no shocks, painted vaguely like the Partridge Family vehicle, with chickens in cages on top, and a single guitar player on the back of the roof.


It was far from it. Despite being a travel day we traveled in a luxurious bus with very comfortable seats and it was sparkling clean. We loved it. It gave us an opportunity to take in the countryside more like a train than a typical bus. And it was cheap.

The country here is high chaparral and, if it were not for the signs in Spanish, you would swear you were in California. It was low mountain hills coming out of Mexico City that opened up into fertile plains with corn and grazing sheep. The weather continues to be in the seventies with light breezes.

Our Air BnB - We have all 4 floors. Again, cheaper than a hotel

We made to San Miguel de Allende in good time. There is a lot to love about this charming town. Over the course of the next few days I will tell you some if it's story.

But I will say, on our brief walk, it is like walking into the Pixar Movie 'Coco' here. Row after row of colorful colonial houses filled with charming restaurants and art houses.

There is much to explore. For now I will leave you with a few of the images from this evening when we walked to dinner.

More to come.

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