October 16, 2018 - We made it to Rome after a particularly brutal travel day. There were late flights, long delays, crazy turbulence and little sleep. We are stumbling around this square with a serious lack of oxygen to our heads. But we are trying to fight through it to beat the jet lag.

These are the famous Spanish Steps. Our apartment is right around the corner here. Notice the plaque on the building. The window to the right was the apartment of the poet John Keats. He came here in an attempt to get better from tuberculosis. He thought the climate would help. It didn’t. He died in that room at the age of 25.
For being so young he wrote so many beautiful things. Here is one of them-
“Beauty is truth, truth beauty,'--that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know“. - Ode to a Grecian Urn
