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  • Writer's pictureGlenn Dobbs

Trump & guacamole dip

"Mexico is always a good idea"

- Anonymous

We had plans today. Visiting an art school and travel to a view point. However, we got up late and learned the impeachment inquiry was on CNN here.

"I'll make guacamole!", Colleen said, and we sat down to enjoy the festivities.

(Yeah, it was a slow day)

San Miguel de Allende is crazy beautiful. The sky is big and expansive, typical of what you find in the American Southwest. The suns rays have a golden glow here that lights up the cobblestone streets and colorful buildings. The weather is sublime. It is often described as magical. After being here for several days, I would have to agree. We have not been so taken with a place since Railay Beach in Thailand.

This place is not a secret anymore. It hasn't been for a long time now. The New York Times had a story today about it -

This story is not new. Many travel sites have stories about famous sites being overrun with tourists these days. I am not sure what to make of the story. When we travel we try to leave a small footprint. And clearly the traveler dollars lift the local economies.

In the future San Miguel may lose some of it's charm. I don't like the Starbucks here either. So we don't go into the store. I doubt that will stop the incursion of American companies.

For now, we will just enjoy this amazing place.

We are out of guacamole. Time to go back outside.

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