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  • Writer's pictureGlenn Dobbs

Travel as a Political Act

April 11, 2019 - As we have travel the 'Road to Bali' these past two years, travel has changed for us considerably. At first, like most people, you wanted to check off certain boxes and see certain sites. However, soon that notion changed for us. We were seeing the world and being changed by the experience. The notion that America is the 'be all and end all' of the world faded. Make no mistake, we love our home nation and glad to be from such a rich, diverse, and prosperous nation. But we began to see that there are other points of view and other ways of doing things that have their own merit and are worthy of consideration.

This talk by travel expert Rick Steves nicely encapsulated how we are feeling and where we may be going. If you are a traveler, it is worth to take the time to consider some of his points. Perhaps after your trip, you too will be changed.

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