March 27, 2018 -
“If something profound ain’t happening, at least it feels like it is” - Anthony Bourdain
We drove around the periphery of Angkor Wat today and visited a series of so called small temples. These were built around 1000 C.E.(AD). They are staggering in size, complexity, and precision. To give you a sense of the achievement, the population of London at that time was around 20,000. They were struggling with two story buildings. The population here neared 1 million.
All of this, was done by hand. How all this staggering work was achieved and then the knowledge how disappeared in this land is still not completely known. In some temples , as the centuries have passed, the jungle has tried to reclaim the land.

Tomorrow we visit Angkor Wat itself; the crown jewel of the Khmer empire.