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  • Writer's pictureGlenn Dobbs

The Land of the Long White Cloud

Aotearoa - The Land of the Long White Cloud

February 4, 2023

“There’s a real purity in New Zealand that doesn’t exist in the states. It’s actually not an easy thing to find in our world anymore. It’s a unique place because it is so far away from the rest of the world. There is a sense of isolation and also being protected.”

- Elijah Wood

We leave for Tasmania today. Our time in New Zealand is coming to a close.

We have loved it and I am a little sad to leave.

New Zealand is so very far away. We have never and likely never will travel farther south on Earth than this beautiful island. Antartica is a lot closer to me than Indiana!

It is difficult to get here. I realize it’s not for everyone. But if you love the beauty of nature then you would be hard-pressed to find a place that gives you more.

If you make the long journey here, New Zealand rewards you with enchanting landscapes, genuinely warm people, and a culture that is welcoming and easy to assimilate within.

It’s nice here, really nice.

What can I say after all the gifts New Zealand has given us?

The best thing I can think of is, “Thank you”.

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