May 4, 2017 - I went to visit Windsor Castle today. This place has been a royal residence for over 900 years.
The original tower, shown here,

was built by William the Conquerer before he built the Tower of London. The Queen today considers Windsor her home and Buckingham Palace "Where she goes to work".
There are many tombs here. The title picture shows one of the more elaborate and beautiful of them.
It is the tomb of Princess Charlotte who was the only daughter of George IV and heir to the throne. She was the 'Princess Diana' of her time and when she became pregnant it was a sensation.
However she labored for over 50 hours and delivered a stillborn child. Days later she died as well likely due to amniotic fluid embolism and infection. The country was in shock and there was a succession crisis. Finally, the girl who was initially 5th in line to the throne became Queen.
Her name was Victoria.