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Updated: Sep 10, 2022

“The grand lift of the Tetons is … a primal gesture of the Earth beneath a greater sky.”

- Ansel Adams

I would be remiss if I did not mention this smaller sister park south of the Yellowstone. We spent a few hours in Grand Teton National Park yesterday in near perfect weather conditions.

The origin of the name of the Teton range various. The stories span from the name French trappers called them, les trois tétons, “The Three nipples” - which is somewhat amusing - to the more likely Shoshone name Teewinot, meaning “many pinnacles”.

Regardless of which is correct, this range formed some 6-9 million years ago from the collision of tectonic plates forcing the land skyward from the flat valley floor. The result of this massive geological force created spectacular pinnacles that are some of the most drmatic in North America.

The three central peaks are the star of the show here. The tallest peak soars to over 13,000 feet and you need alpine training to summit it. The area surrounding it has come together to create a unique and pristine ecosystem.

In the 1930’s, most of the Jackson Hole Valley was privately owned. John D Rockefeller, quietly at first, began to purchase large tracts of land with the hope of extending the area to join Yellowstone Park to the North.

It turned into a bitter fight with local ranchers and the Wyoming congressional representative fighting hard against Rockefeller to allow the land to be further developed as a livestock and commercial zone.

The tide turned in 1941 when Rockefeller hired acclaimed photographer Ansel Adams to come photograph the range. The picture below helped turn public opinion against the ranchers.

This is that same spot below today. That is the Snake River below. it travels 1,000 miles making its way to the Pacific Ocean. it was also named by the Shoshone people due to its many serpentine bends,

Rockefeller’s efforts are why much of the beautiful Jackson Hole Valley remains unspoiled even today.

We leave today for San Francisco to see my youngest son Stephen and Alex, his long time girlfriend and “likely betrothed” (Although I have been admonished that I am not allowed to say that yet).

Stephen & Alex

Stephen will receive his PhD in Geology this November at Stanford. Alex is a staff physician specializing in Geriatric medicine at Stanford.

All that is well and good but my greatest hope is they will take us to In- N- Out Burger.

I mean you have to have priorities in life.

Postscript - September 10, 2022

We just received a phone call moments ago. Stephen and Alex are formally engaged!

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I was waiting for a baby to be born.  It was the fall of 2015 and I had been a practicing OB/GYN for over 20 years.  I could sense it was a time for change in my life.  With new insight to what was possible, we started fantasizing about what this new life could look like.  We starting to call it our “Road to Bali.”  We didn’t know exactly where it would lead, but are so glad we took the first steps into this new adventure.  We hope you enjoy coming along on our “Road to Bali.”


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