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  • Writer's pictureGlenn Dobbs

Rome's Indy 500 Speedway

The ruins of Circus Maximus

October 21, 2018 - I laughed too at this classic Italian Fiat. Then I realized this company owns Chrysler and Jeep. So I kept quiet and went on my way.

We walked to Circus Maximus today. It was the Indy Speedway of it’s day. The track ran horses and chariots up to 12 times a day and 240 days a year. It was wildly popular. Jim Nabors would sing (He was younger then) and the Emperor could watch from the Palace which over looked the course. 250,000 people could attend at a time.

It was deadly business. The racers were poor and most died in the frequent crashes. It remained popular for hundreds of years here even past the Fall of Rome.

There was a political rally here in the Circus today. A lot if noise, no idea what they were upset about. It was odd seeing the crumbling remains of the Emperor’s Palace overlooking a modern political rally.

Yes the food is amazing here, but expensive. It was rare we ever ate out but when we was awesome

Sunset near our Air BnB. The dome in the distance on the right is the Vatican

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