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  • Writer's pictureGlenn Dobbs


Updated: Dec 8, 2022

December 7, 2022

“Australians are very unfair in this way. They spend half of any conversation insisting that the country's dangers are vastly overrated and that there's nothing to worry about, and the other half telling you how six months ago their Uncle Bob was driving to Mudgee when a tiger snake slid out from under the dashboard and bit him on the groin, but that it's okay now because he's off the life support machine and they've discovered he can communicate with eye blinks.”

― Bill Bryson, In a Sunburned Country

It was shopping for shoes yesterday that made me think I need to do this. So much of my adult life I never gave much thought to shoes. Since my work consisted of wearing scrubs , essentially glorified pajamas, to work every day my shoe life was mostly various forms of sneakers. Furthermore, I have weird feet which makes finding a shoe that fits mostly a happy accident.

2022 has marked a change in that situation. I lost a lot of weight and, thanks to Colleen, I have started dressing better. I needed shoes that were not found in the gym. (Like I went to a gym….). The experience made me realize.2022 marked a real change in our lives and I wanted to put some thoughts down.

We are about to take our longest trip yet and any trip of such size needs a prologue. So I pause a moment to remember some highlights of this remarkable year.

We took three terrific journeys in 2022.

In February we traveled to the Andalucia region of Southern Spain. This was a land endlessly fought over by various invaders.

It was easy to see why.

It's beautiful. The area is dotted with sun drenched white villages perched upon cliffs overlooking fertile fields of lemons, olives, and grape vineyards

Then came the summer.

In June we traveled by car through most of the country of France. Dear Lord has that country been blessed with riches. Mild weather, beautiful countryside, breathtaking art, interesting history, and the best food on the planet. It is hard to believe how much is crammed into a place about the size of Texas.

We both became committed Francophiles. We are determined to go back. The butter alone would make it worth it.

In August we went West to Yellowstone Park. I think we are probably one of the few couples in America who have never visited the park before. I had so many preconceived notions about what to expect.

I was wrong about almost all of them.

The huge park is a place of transcendent beauty. The place can truly be called a national treasure and it deserves all of its many superlatives.

And as exciting as all of that was this year, there is more - much more.

Our boys had news -

Stephen & Chris

Stephen, my youngest son, completed his thesis and received a PhD in Geology from Stanford University. We can hardly believe the magnitude of his accomplishment. We are both bursting with pride and more than a little gobsmacked.

And if that is not enough, he asked for the hand of Alex Cours in marriage.

Stephen & Alex

She said yes!

She is a staff physician at Stanford Hospital. She is lovely, whip-smart, has an easy smile, and quick laugh. They are perfect for each other and the marriage is planned for April 2023.

Chris, my oldest son, not to be outdone, brought us the greatest news of all. In April, his wife Emily, gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.

This is Elliot Paul Dobbs. He is alert, healthy, and giggles a lot.

And, objectively speaking, he is gorgeous. We are grandparents!

It has been a very good year - much more than just new shoes.

In January Episode XIV of The Road to Bali will start. We are traveling to the South Pacific.

Tahiti in French Polynesia

This journey will be our longest exploration so far. By the time we are done, we will have traveled from French Polynesia, through Middle Earth in New Zealand, the island of Tasmania, to the deserts of Central Australia.

Lake New Zealand

Humboldt Forest, New Zealand

In the end it will take 9 different flights, 3 rental cars, 2 buses, and almost 8 weeks to complete the trek. The journey will cover a distance of 20, 168 miles.

I am told this is an Australian dog

Tasmanian Devil

Sydney Harbor


Join us as we travel the sea lanes of Captain Cook, find out what happened to the HMS Bounty, visit Mordor, and deliberately travel to a land that is home to 7 of the 10 most venomous snakes in the world.

Until then - Happy Holidays everyone. I hope you are well and safe.

See you down the road.

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