May 18, 2017 - This lovely park in the center of Edinburgh divides the new and old town. It was not always what it seems. This was the 'Nor Loch' in the 1700's - A lake that was the primary run off of all the waste of the city.
It is hard to imagine the smell from all that effluent of thousands of people.

So the next time you use the loo you need to be grateful for the wonder of modern sewage systems.
As to witches- Scotland was obsessed with them. The poor souls were tied to dunking stools and tortured in this lake. If they survived, they were considered aided by the devil and burned at the stake. If they died, the judge would say "my bad I guess she wasn't a witch". (Or something to that effect).
Now here is the thing -- Some 17,000 people died here for being a witch. More than any other country. In 1800 the lake was drained and now you have this park.