“The Sun Stone, the famous Aztec calendar, is unquestionably a perfect summary of science, philosophy, art and religion.”
- Samael Aun Weor
In 1790, 269 years after Cortes’ conquest of the Aztec empire, workers were digging around doing repairs on the newly finished Cathedral on Zocalo square. It was December 17th and the weather was mild as it often is here in the city. The hulking remains of the Templo Major long since razed lied buried under the foundation of the Cathedral and the new National Palace.
They came across this masterpiece, the Aztec Sunstone. A 24 ton sculpture remarkably intact. So what do you do with such a find? Well you hang it on the outside of the church like a trophy head exposed to the elements for 95 years!
Wisely it has been moved to the National Museum of Anthropology where it enjoys being the crown jewel of the very impressive Aztec collection. Scholars have worked for decades studying the intricate features of the piece and now feel it represents a large combination of a calendar and religious cosmology of the Aztec world.

It is remarkable that scientists have been able to decipher approximately 80% of the language giving a much better insight to this culture that was snuffed out so abruptly in 1521
And another cool thing…This is the actual throne of Montezuma. How do we know? His name is written on it. It’s like his Mother didn’t want him to lose it when he took it to school.
