April 17, 2017 - We are finally trying to test our plan. There are a lot of ways to travel. You can stay at 5 star resorts and eat like a king - but only for a very short time. The money runs out quickly. Very quickly.
In fact, you quickly discover that eating out is by far the greatest cost you encounter when traveling.
The other approach in the "Hostel - Backpacker" route. While this approach has it's merits, particularly in terms of cost savings, it wasn't for us. We were a little old to be sharing bunk beds with bearded hipsters.
However, we wanted to travel for weeks at a time so was there a middle way? We believed if we could find an Air BnB, or something similar, and cook our own food we would bridge the gap. We could have some comfort yet still be frugal. We researched it carefully but until we got out on the road we didn't know if it would work. The pictures you see are of our first flat.
It was in a neighborhood across from Hyde Park. We lived here for about 5 weeks.
We walked to the bus stop about 3 minutes away and from there we had access to the entire city.
The plan worked. It allowed us to travel light and gave us maximum flexibility
Furthermore, it was immersive. We would shop with locals and cook at home. We would stop touring every few days to rest, do laundry, and just experience living in another country.
The plan became the template we would repeat over and over again.