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  • Writer's pictureGlenn Dobbs

Farewell Canada!

September 19, 2017 - Farewell Canada". This leg of the 'Road to Bali' concludes today - tomorrow we head for home.

We started in the Great Smokey Mountains to witness an astonishing Solar Eclipse, traveled to Vancouver and found a muti cultural city of great beauty but struggling with it's own immigration issues, visited a downtown made up of mostly condominiums, had the best Ramen noodles I ever tasted, and got yelled at by a homeless man.

We left for the Okanagan Valley and discovered Canada makes excellent wine and has it's own version of Napa Valley.

From there we climbed into the wild and saw countless waterfalls, hiked 98.27 miles, climbed 3280 feet, took 11 doses of Motrin, saw one bear, nine Elk, one bald eagle, four really fat Marmots, and viewed mountains and vistas of such grandeur that you felt surely here lies the throne of God.

Finally on to Stanford University to get our son settled in, and ate at In N Out Burger not once - but Twice!

I have discovered that people travel for all kinds of reasons that are unique to them. I think we travel to see that there is a wider world of which we are only a small part. Travel enables us to grow as human beings and realize much of the day to day things we worry about are in fact small.

When we are outside our comfort zones we become more reliant on each other and prioritize the things that are important in life - the beauty of the world and the love we have for each other.

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