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  • Writer's pictureGlenn Dobbs

Dumb & Dumber

A beautiful elk

September 5, 2017 - Ok, this happened. We were driving down a small road and this big guy popped out. I never knew Elk were so large.

Of course a traffic jam started right away. 2 young guys (Americans) actually walked very close to it with a selfie stick and turned their backs to it trying to get a shot. Dumb move. One guy got out of the way in time and the other ....well there is a new cow in the herd now. (Both are ok, but that was really dumb)

Apparently The entire Southwest of Canada is on fire. The smoke was thick today obscuring the lovely views. So we went to "Banff" today. We paid too much for an average hamburger and went to the hot springs for a soak.

Isn't "Banff" fun to say. I asked it's origin. The fellow told me it is a native word for 'cough'. Like " you should turn your head when you banff". He may be not telling the truth

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