May 2, 2017 - We Walked thru central London today. Those of you that were into that "DaVinci Code" craziness would like this picture. This is a 'Crusader church' founded in 1185.
This was the time of Richard the Lionheart the eldest son of Henry II ('The Lion in Winter' - that Henry). It was the headquarters of the Knights Templar who were a band of heavily armed monks who swore an oath to protect pilgrims going to the Muslim controlled Holy Land.

They had secret rituals or handshakes, or some such........anyway they had grown rich running what essentially became an elaborate protection racket.
Eventually Kings and Popes had enough of it and shut them down in 1312. The amazing thing is this place is right in downtown among the financial district and is currently owned by a Law School.
We also attended a theatre lecture with Daniel Radcliffe at The Old Vic theatre.
