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  • Writer's pictureGlenn Dobbs

Arrived in Bangkok

Wat Arun - The Temple of the Dawn

March 16, 2017 - We arrived in Bangkok , Thailand. This splendid edifice is ‘Wat Arun’ Temple in Bangkok - The Temple of the Dawn. It dates from the 17th century and so named because the first light of the morning reflects off of it giving it a pearly iridescence. It is a Buddhist temple and derives it’s name from the Hindu god Aruna.

This is a fascinating city. Big, hot, noisy, chaotic, modern, and yet very very old. Full of contradictions.

If you want to stump your friends at trivial pursuit - “Which city in the world has the most travelers (visitors) a year?” The answer is Bangkok at 21 million annually. 3 million ahead of 2nd place London.

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