June 22, 2018 -
"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread" --- John Muir
The first really nice weather today. Hopefully this is a trend that will continue. We had one day in Flam and left this morning on a hike. Flam did not disappoint. It is hard to describe what we saw. “That is how it should be”., Colleen commented, “you can really only see this and even then it is too much to take in”. Today was a privilege.
We walked in the valley of the fjord with towering granite cliffs on each side. Over these escarpments poured innumerable waterfalls like bright silver torrents cascading down to the valley creating clear azure rivers that flowed down to the sound. The floor of the valley was dotted with farm houses painted mustard yellow or a deep Norwegian red with white trim.
And not a single McDonalds or Starbucks anywhere. That is how it should be.