It seems silly not to say something about it. ‘Bard Fest’ - the Shakespeare festival I produce each year finished it’s fifth season yesterday. It was very successful and over 1,000 people came to see the productions. The project has consumed all of my time for the last three months. There were so many plates to keep spinning.

I usually try not to talk about it too much to people who are not interested in theatre. When I mention Shakespeare I usually get polite interest for a few seconds only to have their eyes glaze over with boredom. I understand. I feel the same way every time I am in a fabric store with Colleen. It is not everyone’s cup of tea. That’s ok.

I first became interested in Shakespeare over a dozen years ago. I have always enjoyed community theatre. However, in 2006, I first tried to direct a Shakespeare play. I have been hooked ever since that time. It checked all the boxes for me; history, noble speeches, and a chance to wear fluffy pirate shirts and kill people with a sword. I loved the stories and over time, study, and a lot of practice I have become much more adept at their presentation.
And when you can say something like this before a hushed crowd -
O good Horatio, what a wounded name,
If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart
Absent thee from felicity awhile,
And in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain,
To tell my story. The rest is silence.
It is magical. There is really nothing else like it.
(Except maybe hearing Bruce Springsteen play ‘Thunder Road’ live)
So, at least for now, I will keep coming back. It feeds me in ways other pastimes do not. I have made some wonderful friends in the process and built memories that will last me a long time.
We leave for Episode VIII in 2 days
