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  • Writer's pictureGlenn Dobbs

A Wedding Toast

Stephen & Alex

“Always remember there was nothing worth sharing

Like the love that let us share our name”

- The Avett Brothers

It is not often that a father gets to share a love for a band with one of his sons. Generational issues often get in the way. But, Stephen is an old soul when it comes to music. He and I both have enjoyed a band called “The Avett Brothers”.

Our first grandson, Elliot

The band has a song called “Murder in the City”. Despite the gruesome title, it is not about violence at all. The last verse contains a lyric that goes, “Always remember there was nothing worth sharing , Like the love that let us share our name.”

I have been considering that notion for a few days now.

The other day we visited Muir Woods just north of the city across the Golden Gate Bridge. As I walked among these living towers older than anything I will ever know, I felt small. There under the sun dappled branches the thought of time and how little we have of it was brought into sharp relief. Life is amazing but all too short.

How do we make the most of it?

Tolstoy answered that question when he wrote, “Life is best shared”

Another writer added to this thought saying “90% of happiness is found in who you choose to share your life with”

I know this to be true. Over 40 years ago my dear wife said yes. To this day, that answer has been the key to everything right and lovely in my life.

We always tried to teach our sons the importance of making good choices. To our delight and enduring pride they have done so consistently.

No choice was more important than this one, the one we celebrate here and now.

Today’s generations have cast off some of the traditions Colleen and I grew up with and this is mostly a good thing. They have to find their own way.

Some rituals persist though; weddings for one.

It is all together good and proper we gather here today.

Stephen & Chris

We pause on our own journeys to turn and witness you. We want to be here and celebrate the beginning of your new life together. It is a way of connection that we all long for in this world. We, who are older, are thrilled for the joys that await you both and are confident that together you will weather any storm.

Knowing that you have made a very good choice gives us such confidence. A shared abundant life awaits you.

Come stand with me. We, your friends and loved ones, raise our glasses to you.

We see you.

The ocean of our love is broad and deep. Today it overflows.

Today we celebrate Stephen and Alex. The wind is at your back. You are ready to cast off.


What adventures await!

Just over the horizon.

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