July 23, 2018 - Here is a tale and a rant. Enjoy-
Last night during our walk I got some dust in my eye. Despite my attempts to wash it out it did not improve. So this morning with the eye still tearing excessively, swollen , and hurting we decided to go to the doctor. After some queries we were directed to “The Public Hospital”. Not knowing what else to do , we made our way there this morning by bus, not knowing what to expect.
My fellow Americans, you need to be pissed off. There was no over the top architectural facade, no piano or Starbucks in the lobby (Yeah I am looking at you IU North). It was clean, simple , utilitarian and functional. There was no obfuscation of the costs. $250. dollars covered everything except medications.
So you say, “Well Glenn , that is where you are going to get nailed”.
Nope, my eye drops, that are very expensive in the USA, cost $11 dollars.
So consider this, what is the average cost in the US of an ER visit? Well, they won’t tell you. The best data we have is from 2013. That cost was over $1200 just to walk in the door. Everything they do inside , x rays, bandages, etc is an up charge.
“But what about the care? Aren’t we better? Aren’t they ‘Socialized Medicine’?” My visit was professional, efficient, and very high quality. You can check the quality metrics. Sweden measures higher in almost every category than we do.
“But they pay high taxes for it”. So do you my fellow Americans. And how is that staggeringly high deductible working out for you? And everyone gets the same treatment. Whether you are the Prime Minister or homeless. Do you have that access? We are being robbed and told to be patriotic about it.
So I say this as a retired physician. The next time someone screams “we are the best!” You need to punch them in the mouth. It is not true. The next time you see a drug ad on TV, throw your shoe at it. That ad is costing you money. We have a long way to go and we can do better.
Post script- I had a foreign body still in my eye and a mild corneal abrasion. I feel better. I did not need an eye patch , although I wanted one.
End of rant. Keep calm and carry on.
One more story - Another example of the ridiculous prices we pay in the USA -