Episode VII - Winter 2019
“India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition”
- Sumant Tyagi
We leave today for India. Today is a travel day and possibly a brutal one. Nineteen hours of plane flights, security lines, customs, and stale peanuts await us. And after all of that we arrive in Dehli, the capitol of India. It is ten and one half hours ahead of us here so we should be fighting jet lag as we arrive in a city of nineteen million people.
India is a huge country with multiple wildly diverse regions. We could not possibly see all of this country in several years, much less six weeks. We will be focused on the Rajasthan (Land of Kings) region in the northwest of India.
After all the research for the trip one word keeps recurring about India – INTENSE. So we have nothing specific planned for the first few days while we adjust to our new reality. (swallows some Motrin) I think it is going to be amazing

A Look Back At Crazy

It's complicated

Unsheathe the sword

Getting cozy in Dehli

A drink of cool, clear water

Super pants

Back to Dehli

"Pakistan makes very poor bombs..."

A Primer by an Ignorant Westerner (Vol 2)

Well they started shooting at each other

"...a horse with no name"


15,000 Children

Sometimes it worked

The Blue City

"Oh we took a car..."


Just a nice picture

Weddings are very loud

A market trip

"I'm Batman"

Finally a little quieter

The White City of Lakes

A Bollywood Flick

A simple trip to the pharmacy

"You have to take an elephant..."

The Pink City

It will pass

A Primer on Rajasthan by an Ignorant Westerner

"Beware of animals"

"You are in Agra how long?"

Rungi-Chungi Iilli-Milli

A Wonder of the World

A walk in Agra

Can you see the Taj Mahal?

A small setback

Just another day in India

A crazy Tuk Tuk tour

It happened here

A tough excursion

Beautiful flowers from the same garden

The Italians of Asia

Weird & wonderful